The K.A.P. after school rates apply to all three locations.  The rates are (3pm-6pm) $46.00 daily or $230.00 a week and (8am-6pm) $69.00 daily or $325.00 a week with a 10% discount for siblings. The sibling discountis only apply if your children or child is in the program for the week. We do accept 1199, ACS NYC Child Care and DSS Child Care Subsidy. To receive more information about Child Care Subsidy assistance and other scholarships offered from Westchester Child Care Council call 914-761-3456 ext. 140. the application and Information sheet can be downloaded below. There is also a $35.00 registration fee. Weekly payment is due at the beginning of each week for after school "Mondays" NOT "Fridays" Thank you.

Please print out your reciept and submit it to K.A.P. as proof of payment.


Registration payments should be sent via Zelle to mrs.rcloud@yahoo.com 


Weekly Payments

All other fees should be paid in cash at the program locations!

Need Help Paying for Child Care? fill out the application below and apply. We also except 1199 (union) child care assistance.

Child Care Assistance Application
fill out this application and follow the directions to get help paying for child care
child care subsidy Application_-_English[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [593.3 KB]
Child Care Subsidy Information_Sheet_202[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [647.4 KB]
Income Requirements for Assistance
This is the Income Requirements for DSS and The Child Care Council Subsidy Assistance
child care subsidy income requirementsEl[...]
Microsoft Word document [13.3 KB]
This is the average cost odf Child Care in Westchester County
Average_Cost_of_Care_2024 (1).pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.1 MB]
Solicitud de beca en español
fill out this application and follow the directions to get help paying for child care
child care subsidy Application_-_Spanish[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [625.7 KB]
Subsidy Information Sheet in Spanish
child care subsidy Information_Sheet_Spa[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [621.2 KB]

Additional Child Care Subsides Resources

Westchester Works Child Care Scholarship
This Grant is a huge help especially for parents that did not get approved for the Child Care Subsidy grant offered above. The income requirement are higher.
Westchester Works Child Care Scholaship [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [499.1 KB]
Westchester work's Scholarship in Spanish
Westchester Works Scholarship Spanish.pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [623.1 KB]
Excluded Worker Scholarship for Migrants
Excluded Worker Migrant - WDI Schol Appl[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [647.2 KB]
Excluded Worker Self Attest form
Excluded Worker Migrant - WDI Schol Appl[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [647.2 KB]

Our Program Locations:



Martin Luther King Jr Academy

Closed When Yonkers Public Schools Are Closed

After School Program 

135 Locust Hill Avenue

Yonkers NY 10701



School 16

Closed When Yonkers Public Schools Are Closed

After School Program 

759 North Broadway

Yonkers NY 10701



Opened When Yonkers Public Schools Are Closed

Opened Year Round Except (Weekends, Juneteenth, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day)


After School Program 

38 Tuckahoe Road

Yonkers, NY 10710



For more information:


Contact:  Mr. Cloud (914) 562-3632


Contact:  Mrs. Cloud (914) 5138898


How to Register:

To register On-Line, you can download all enrollment forms on this website, just go into "REGISTRATION FORMS" on the top of the page and download the enrollment application and emergency card. Please email the forms to mrs.rcloud@yahoo.com  to pay your $35.00 registration fee please zelle mrs.rcloud@yahoo.com and put your chid(ren) name in the notes. Please text Mrs.Cloud at (914)513-8898 once you have completed the registration so she can verify.









Now more than ever, kids need summer camp.  According to health officials, the risk of transmitting COVID-19 in an outdoor enviroment like camp is low, but the benefits of socialization, exercise, and learning would be tremendous.


The KAP team is taking steps to keep campers and staff safe this summer by implementing guidelines from CDC and New York State Department of Health.  KAPs team priority is to provide a safe and fun enviroment while adhering to the CDC and Department of Health guidelies and are committed to sharing timely communications with our families.  We've designed our COVID-19  safety plan to be flexible, so we can adapt and refine our responses.


KAP summer program safety protocols include the following:



*Monitoring health of campers throughout the day.


*Cleaning and disinfecting all activity areas, equipment, and supplies


*Mandatory handwashing between activities


*Providing EPA approved soap and hand sanitizer at activity and food locations


*Reducing groups limited to no more than 10 campers with 2 staff


*Maintaining the same group of 10 campers and dedicated staff the enitre 6 weeks of camp


*Maintaining safe social distancing between groups


*Having trained medical staff on-site

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